Going postal movie pratchett
Going postal movie pratchett

going postal movie pratchett

going postal movie pratchett

Richard Coyle ( STRANGE) is an excellent choice for con artist von lipwig, proving to be charming enough to pull off the cons, but desperate enough to be at the mercy of Lord Vetinari.

going postal movie pratchett

The first half of GOING POSTAL seems to be following the same lines, although the book it is based on is more story driven than many of the others. The two previous attempts to dramatise his writings ( HOGFATHER and THE COLOUR OF MAGIC) have both looked the part, but failed to capture the magic and humour of the great man's writing, mainly because it isn't necessarily in the plots or the characters, but more in wordplay and descriptions that are the first things that go in transferring something to the screen. It is the official position of the Sci Fi Freak Site that Sir Terry Pratchett is a national treasure who ought to be preserved in carbonite at the earliest opportunity, something that he himself may have reservations about. Oh, and all the previous postmasters all died very horrible deaths.


The building is full of undelivered mail and there is something else that is lurking within. The post office has been closed for a long time and only two employees remain. The head of the rival communications system, the clacks towers, a kind of automated semaphore system, will do anything to prevent this. Vetinari offers Lipwig a choice, but since the choice is between reopening the Ankh Morpork post office or throwing himself into a seemingly bottomless pit it doesn't appear to be that much of a choice. When the law finally catches up with Moist, it is in the shape of the city's leader, Lord Vetinari. Moist Van Lipwig is a con man of the first order, but Ankh Morpork is a very dangerous place to ply any kind of trade. Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner Terry Pratchett's GOING POSTAL Episode Guide and reviews on the SCI FI FREAK SITE

Going postal movie pratchett